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CCSD 2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results - Proficient Reading 32% | Distinguished Reading 14% | Proficient Mathematics 30% | Distinguished Mathematics 8% | Kentucky School Report Card



Rian Craft

Rian Craft
Transportation Director

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Adverse Weather School Closing Information

Snow Days

During the winter months, Cumberland County school administrators will most likely be faced with making the decision to close schools because of inclement weather. We strive to make our decision as early as possible, and no later than 5:30 a.m. so that we can inform parents, studentsand district employees.

The final decision to alter the school schedule is made by the superintendent in consultation with other school, transportation, and law enforcement officials. Local radio (WKYR 107.9 and WOVO 105.3) and television stations (WBKO-Channel-13, WKRN Channel-2, WSMV-Channel 4, and NEWS Channel-5) are the official sources for notifying students, parents, and staff that schools are closed or delayed.

Because of the early decision, there may be a need to revise the decision later in the day due to changes in weather conditions. It is always important to continue to check television and radio stations after the initial announcement since weather conditions could dictate a change.

Radio Stations

WKYR 107.9 MHz

Television Stations

WBKO ABC Bowling Green Channel 13

WKRN ABC Nashville Channel 2

WSMV NBC Nashville Channel 4

WTVF CBS Nashville Channel 5